- Simple and handy puzzle-solving interface.
- Expanding "side-boxes" let you easily store assembled puzzle
- Optional "ghost image" behind the scene and "thumbnail"
image to help you identify puzzle parts.
- Easy-to-use
puzzle selector with categorized puzzle packs - organize hundreds of
puzzles with ease.
- Ability to create your own puzzles from your favorite pictures and
photos - it can be made of any number of pieces and stored in a separate
- Additional puzzle packs with
high-quality customizable photographic puzzles - it's easy to order
and easy to install.
- The program is FREEWARE - it doesn't expire, doesn't contain any
ads and includes a lot of free puzzles.
playing! |
Why wait when you can play it right now for FREE?
Download Jigsaw Puzzle
Lite by clicking this link - it's freeware, it doesn't require any
registration and it comes with a number of free puzzles included. |